Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The End and the Beginning

My time in Califorina is coming to an end. Where did the time go? It seems like I just started my internship last week! These three months have flown by. It's bittersweet to be leaving. I loved working at Mattel and living in the LA area, but I'm excited to start traveling and studying in Dubrovnik. Considering my last day at work is tomorrow I should probably start packing...


  1. Replies
    1. In what room? Are you talking about the hostel? I assume you are, there are 7 beds in my room.

  2. Sorry. I was talking about the hostel. I'm posting from my iPhone and it's easy to mess that up. You should feel lucky you got any comments at all, since it's virtually impossible to read the text and numbers to prove that the poster is not a robot. This is attempt 6, which does not include all the times that I hit refresh because it was so hard to decipher that I could not even hazard a guess.
