Sunday, November 11, 2012

Doviđenja Hrvatska!

I can't believe my time in Croatia has come to an end. It went by so fast! It feels like it was just last week Kaylee and I got picked up at the Dubrovnik airport and were itching to see the city and explore. Despite being sad that I'm leaving Croatia, I'm so excited to start the new part of my travels. 

Last night Kaylee and I left our apartment and have or keys to the landlord. We were told that  the school organized for someone to come pick us up in front of our apartment to take us to the bus station. Our bus was leaving at 10:00, and they were supposed to be there at 9:30. Considering it is a 5 minute ride to the station we weren't worried. However, 9:45 rolls around and no one is there. We start to panic. I messages the student mentor who helped arrange the transportation was freakig out too because she had confirmed that someone would be there, she even tried to call the driver but he didn't answer. Then we went back to our landlord and got our keys because we figured that we might as well go back into our apartment. Then our landlord knocks on the door and has the driver in tow. The driver says we should go with him because he 'can catch the bus'. So we grab all our things and rush into his car. He is gunning it through the streets of Dubrovnik, then zooming along the windy roads of the coast for about 45 minutes. We get to a place on the side of the road that has another person standing there. The bus pulls up and we finally get on! It was such a stressful evening. But it definitely makes for a good story. 

On another note, I found a great Anthony Bourdain quote about traveling. 

If you’re twenty-two, physically fit, hungry to learn and be better, I urge you to travel— as far and as widely as possible. Sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and eat and cook. Learn from them— wherever you go.

Seeing that makes me so excited to start the second half (or I guess technically the last third, first was traveling beforehand, then school, now traveling again) 

I really am so lucky to have this opportunity to see the world. I've already seen more than most people see their whole lives. And on top of that, in exactly one week I'm going to be meeting Tom in Rome. So not only do I get to see so much, I get to expirence it with him too! Plus, he's never been out of the county (minus Niagara Falls), so I'm really exited for him as well. 

I still don't have a working computer, but I'll try to upload pictures and blog when I can. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry there are so many typos in this, I wrote it on my phone and it autocorrects everything!
